Should I Use Lifting Straps or Gloves?

In the fitness community, lifting straps, gloves, and other aids often get a bad reputation. They are often considered to be a cheat. But they can be very beneficial to build overall strength. In the following, I will discuss some of the ways to introduce these accessories to your routine that can help you break plateaus and get stronger.First, let’s talk about grip strength. Especially when doing a compound like the deadlift, your hamstrings and glutes are very large muscles meaning they can really move some heavy weight. Most of the time when moving this heavier load, your grip strength tends to fail while the bigger muscles have more in the tank. Unfortunately, when this happens, you can’t get the most out of the movement. Introducing lifting straps will take that limitation out of the equation so you can get the most out of your deadlift.Grip strength limitations aren’t only limited to deadlifts. Same can be said about pull movements like rows and lat pulldowns, even pull ups. Being your back muscles are large muscles as well, grip strength can be a factor in the intensity, or lack thereof, during these movements.Using these aids can help you get those extra (most important) repetitions at the end of your set that you wouldn’t have been able to do raw (without any aids.)There are many different types of lifting straps and aids available. The coaches at Success have come up with a list of our favorites for you to check out. Click here to check out the Success coaches recommended aids: straps aren’t the only aid that can help with grip strength limitations. Lifting gloves can also be helpful for some lifters. Like using chalk, gloves can help you have a firmer grip on the bar or dumbbell. Having a firmer grasp can help you control the movement giving you a more quality and more comfortable movement in those same pull exercises.Lifting gloves aren’t only limited to helping with pull movements like lifting straps can be. Gloves can help protect your hands on all movements. When gripping a bar, especially a new bar, the knurling (the rough part of the bar) can grip into your hands making the lift very uncomfortable. Gloves will eliminate that discomfort and will help you grip that bar so much better.If vanity is important to you, gloves can also help fight off callus’ (or workout trophies as coach Grace calls them) that tend to form when lifting weights. If you want to lift and are worried about not having smooth hands this is a great option to try.If you are interested in trying out lifting gloves, we got you covered. We also came up with a list of gloves we recommend, check them out here! ( mention that these aids are thought to be a cheat, I’m here to bust that myth. These aids are no different than using a lifting belt or even squatting shoes. They are aids to help you get the most of your time and effort.It is important to consider when to use either aid. Fully relying on straps or gloves can lead to a decrease in overall grip strength. It is important to work on increasing strength in your hands. Using gloves, you can still build grip strength as you are still grasping the weight in your hands whereas lifting straps take grip strength completely out of the equation. So, when should you use lifting straps? On your heavier sets, max attempts, or any time you know your grip is going to fail before your prime mover muscle that you are targeting. For more help understanding what you might need or how to get more out of your lifting program, simply reply to this email! We’re happy to help!LET’S GROW!!!!P.S. COMING THIS FALL!! The Learn to Lift program! This is a 1 Year, exclusive program for those who want to learn how to truly make lifting a part of their life and eventually take ownership over their own lifting regimen. It’s a year of physical and mental work with a heavy focus on education to give you the skills and confidence to walk into any gym, anywhere, and know exactly what to do, how to do it, why to do it, how much to do… you get the point. Applications open August 1st, 2024!! Check out more details here:


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