Read This Before You Get A Trainer
What Does Being Coachable Mean?
Definition of a Coach: A dedicated person who sees the hidden potential and maximizes performance by encouraging, developing, and believing. Additionally, someone that leads by example gives you your plan(s), and someone that helps others overcome fears and struggles.
**What a coach is NOT: Someone that can do the work for you, someone that will not respond or answer your questions, or someone you can talk to about your problems endlessly.
As a team and over the decades, we have seen so many uncoachable people that it becomes easy to spot, and the ability to overcome this has improved, but "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink."
If you're not willing to fill out a check-in form or send a check-in email 1-2 times a week, you're not coachable. If you can't track your food, you’re not coachable. You're not coachable if you are unwilling to follow your coach's advice.
When your coach gives you a plan, you may ask as many questions as you want out of curiosity or simply because you want to know you can trust your coach. If they cannot or don’t answer your questions, FIRE them. It is always the client's right to ask questions, and if the coach cannot answer the questions or explain why they are having you do something again, don't follow them.
Please consider this before you start working with a coach.