Omega-3s for the KETO DIET

Can omega-3s improve ketosis or the utilization of ketones for energy in a keto diet?
1.) We will be reviewing the effects of omega-3, intake, and direct correlation to ketone utilization.
2.) Best forms of omega 3s
3.) Benefits to eating or supplementing with omega-3s when on a ketogenesis-type diet.
Do omega-3 fatty acids from fish or supplementation Aid or increase Ketone utilization in the body?
There's little evidence to support the idea that Omega-3s improve ketone production or utilization, but knowing this should NOT deter you from including omega-3s into your KETO diet. Quote "Moreover, our results suggest that omega three supplementation does not alter the effects of a KD on body weight reduction, fat loss, or blood cholesterol profile improvement, but rather it increases further the KD's positive effects on inflammatory markers, adiponectin, insulin, and blood triglycerides" (Paoli et al., 2015).
When we look at the fatty acids in omega-3 (let us use sardines, my favorite omega food). Sardine fatty acids are (n−3 fatty acids), and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). PUFAs have a double bond, making them very easy for our bodies to digest and absorb. Conversely, saturated fats have heavy bonds that our enzymes have trouble breaking down. This makes absorption poor (this is true for all saturated fats. MCT is the exception to this rule. Medium-chain triglycerides are triglycerides with two or three fatty acids. Although I like MCT oil, it is processed through the liver, so if individuals have impaired liver detoxification or liver diseases, it should not be eaten. Although, in my mind, since getting into ketosis is primarily fat-driven, eating more easily digestible fat like omega-3s will push you into ketosis quicker than eating unsaturated fats.
Best forms of omega 3s
There is certainly nothing wrong with taking a daily omega-3 supplement. I believe that if you live in the US and you don't eat fish seven times a week, you should be supplementing with at least a standard dose or 1,000 mg / 1g of total EPA and DHA daily, even if you are eating fish between four to seven times a week.
Of course, the best route is testing your omega-3s. I run an omega-3 test that can be done via blood pricking in your home for around 150 bucks. We should try not to assume that once you receive your results, you can tailor the amount of Omega-3s necessary to improve your levels to healthy ranges.
The benefits of eating or supplementing with omega-3s when on a KETO diet.
The main issue with Keto is the high amount of inflammatory omega-6s and saturated fats. You will see elevated triglycerides and lipid panels when consuming absurdly high levels of omega-6 fatty acids. Also, the inflammatory effect of high-fat diets is a concern when eating high-fat. Moving to Omega-3s for the total daily allotment of fat will reduce inflammation and improve mitochondrial health, DNA regeneration, and brain function.
Paoli, A., Moro, T., Bosco, G., Bianco, A., Grimaldi, K. A., Camporesi, E., & Mangar, D. (2015). Effects of n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (ω-3) Supplementation on Some Cardiovascular Risk Factors with a Ketogenic Mediterranean Diet. Marine Drugs13(2), 996-1009.

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