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Hop on over to our YouTube for a full tutorial on our favorite ways to incorporate resistance bands into your mobility program!
And then get to work!
Enhance your home-based practice with some of our favorite must-haves:
OUR FAVORITE BANDS: https://amzn.to/47fjTum
Tom and Hunter are die-hard fans of resistance bands for mobility training. These can be used for both static and active stretches, and can assist you in proper positioning so as to achieve the best stretch.
GRACE’S FAVORITE STRETCHING STRAPS: (they come in YELLOW!): https://amzn.to/3TeJpd8
Unlike resistance bands, these stretching straps do not stretch out, but have various loops in them that you can relax into, and use your own muscle to manipulate the strap and thus your stretch. Grace LOVE’S these lovely little gadgets!
HUNTER’S FAVORITE BOOTY BANDS: https://amzn.to/4g824RS
Booty bands are so great for corrective mobility training! And while they’re called “booty” bands… they can actually be used to work various parts of the body. Head over to our YouTube for a full tutorial on different ways to use your booty bands!
The cloth bands listed under Hunter’s favs are FANTASTIC! However, for beginners AND for some of the exercises we show in the tutorial, these lighter/rubbery ones can be a better option.

It’s fair to say that we would be some knotted-up messes if we didn’t utilize the tools in this category.
We all have slightly different preferences based on our individual needs and experiences, and we encourage you to find out what works best for you!
Here are some of our favorite’s to have on hand at home and work!
STANDARD FOAM ROLLER: https://amzn.to/3Xs2DhV
A staple for any home or office! We recommend medium-high density, and 36 inches long. Shorter ones will work as well, just have some limitations.
TOM’S FAV – THE RUMBLE ROLLER: https://amzn.to/3X3CzbG
Unlike the standard roller, 22 inches should do the job with these rollers. Rumble rollers are INTENSE! But effective.
LACROSSE/MASSAGE BALLS: https://amzn.to/3Z8AePc
We recommend buying several of these so you can have them handy in your car, at home, at work… everywhere! Once you start using them and reaping the benefits, you won’t want to be far from one!
TENNIS BALLS: https://amzn.to/3z0hAi3
Like lacrosse balls… you’ll want to have these available wherever you are! These work wonders, albeit are not quite as intense as lacrosse balls. But for vertain hot-spots they are just the right amount of pressure.

You’d be surprised how many simple household items can be game-changers for your mobility!
Here we highlight some of our favorites to keep on hand, as well as link up our YouTube for more information on how to utilize these items.
Yoga blocks are another diverse piece for both corrective strengthening, and mobility training alike! Excellent for those new to mobility training who need assistance and support in certain positions.
MOBILITY STICK (AKA PVC PIPE): https://amzn.to/3TgyAHD
Okay if you search for a “mobility stick” you’ll see real products come up, but they’re more expensive and they’re too short. We highly recommend using the link above, or just heading down to your local hardware store and purchasing 6-8 feet of PVC pipe to serve as your mobility stick.
FREE WEIGHTS: https://amzn.to/3TdTebx
Free weights are yet ANOTHER dual purpose tool to have on hand! We already know how they work for strength training, but you can also use them to assist in deeper static stretches and lightly-resisted active stretches! Win-win-win!!! That’s WIN3 (and for the non-mathemeticians in the audience, that’s a LOT of winning!!)
Want some help in your journey?
Enjoy your own
assisted stretch session with a certified coach.
Instead of worry about what to do or if you’re doing it right, allow us to guide and support you through a custom, assisted stretching session catered to YOUR needs.
You’ll leave not only feeling better and walking taller, but with new tools to take into your daily life!