What Comes to Mind When you Hear Pre-Workout?
Pre-Workout Thoughts...Do you think of a diabolically caffeinated powder that carries you through your gym session? Or do you perhaps think about your personal routine prior to said session?When it comes down to it, how you approach the moments leading up to your workout are some of the most valuable moments for overall fitness success. Going through the motions while you exercise is perhaps “better than nothing,” but we don’t particularly care for the “better than nothing” mindset…When we train, we should be locked in and ready for action. This lends not only to the progress we will ultimately make, but it will also make the experience more enjoyable.Again, one of the most common thoughts when it comes to the idea of pre-workout is a caffeinated supplement taken 15-30 mins before a workout that will, in theory, boost performance. But believe it or not, you can thrive without such supplements! But for those curious, here is what you might want to know…Most pre-workout powders or beverages contain some combination of caffeine for stimulation and focus, electrolytes for hydration, and certain amino acids (such as Beta-Alanine, L-citrulline, or Taurine) for vasodilation/blood flow and fatigue management. Pre-Workout supplements will also often contain the amino acid creatine, but creatine does not act immediately, and instead builds in the system over time with consistent supplementation. Therefore, it has little direct benefit in a pre-workout supplement. With all of that in mind, creatine is a great supplement to take for overall health and wellness!Not all pre-workouts are created equal, but a good one will be properly dosed with electrolytes and amino acids, not just caffeine. As a matter of fact, stimulant-free pre-workouts do exist, and are simply a pre-workout powder minus the caffeine. Stimulant-free pre-workout is my pre workout of choice! I’m not sponsored in any way, but I tend to like Gorilla Mind’s stimulant-free pre-workout known as Gorilla Mode Nitric (the company also carries caffeinated pre-workouts), as they are a known and trusted supplement manufacturer. As for my caffeine fix, I have a cup of coffee about an hour after waking. I prefer to get my caffeine from coffee simply because I enjoy the taste and the ritual.It’s important to understand, though, whether stimulant free or otherwise, a pre-workout supplement is a luxury item. It will not make or break your workout. Again, I enjoy coffee, and I value the increased blood flow I receive from the stimulant-free pre-workout, but I consider these elements to be the cherry on top.When it comes to the idea of pre-workout, what’s much more important than the supplement is the routine itself. What do you do before you get in the gym? Perhaps this routine does include a supplement, but what else does it include?What does Trainer Tom recommend?Ideally, you will be well-fed, but this note will depend on how soon you choose to workout after eating. Typically, I workout 2-3 hours after my first meal of the day, which tends to be one of my biggest meals, and includes primarily carbs and protein (but does include some healthy fats as well). Those 2-3 hours, combined with walking my dog after this large meal, helps get digestion going so that the food assists with performance and doesn’t bog me down! If you feel a bit hungry closer to when you plan to workout (say, 30 mins prior), keep things light! Think a piece of fruit, such as a banana, and perhaps some protein in the form of a bar or powder. Digestion takes some time, and the more food you eat, the more time it will take to digest the food, and digestion can interfere with workout performance. And beyond the food you eat the day of your workout, you must also consider what you ate the night before, as this will lend a great deal to your performance the next day! Carbohydrates are our most readily available source of dietary energy, but it does help to have a healthy balance of all of our macronutrient friends (meaning protein and fat as well). If you happen to be someone who prefers to workout fasted/on an empty stomach, I encourage that you get your workout in during the earlier part of your day! Some people do in fact perform a bit better without food directly in their system, but there will be diminishing returns the longer you go without food fuel!The next major note involves hydration. Again, a good pre-workout supplement will help with this, due to the inclusion of electrolytes. But even if you do consume a pre-workout or electrolyte powder, be sure to keep up on your water intake in general before getting to the gym!Lastly, I highly encourage a good warmup routine. What is a good warmup routine, you ask? Well, let me tell ya. A warm-up routine should leave you feeling, warm, loose and ready. It should not fatigue or exhaust you in any way, and instead prepare you for the intensity to come. I am a big fan of a mobility focused warmup that covers a variety of ranges of motion (this means dynamic stretches that increase blood flow and lubricate our joints), as well as performing lighter versions of the exercises you plan to do in the workout. You can also include some light cardio, such as treadmill walking or low intensity stationary bike peddling to help heat the body.Bottom line is: be fed, be hydrated, be warm, be focused…However you achieve that will be preferential, but be sure to cover all of your bases in some way!What do the other Success trainers do???Stayed tuned for upcoming posts about what the other trainers do in the following weeks to come! Until then….LET’S GROW!!!