Vitamin D information

Vitamin D is one of the most essential supplements on the market

  • Measurement Unit: In the United States, the most common unit of measurement for vitamin D3 is International Units (IU)
  • Functional Ranges: Optimal Range Is 80 to 100ng/mL
  • Medical Ranges: Standard Medical Reference Range Is 20-50ng/mL.
  • What A High-Value Means: For most outside, extremely high supplemental, this is not a concern, and we don't see it.
  • What A Low-Value Means: An insufficient vitamin D level, usually identified by low blood levels, indicates that a person's body lacks this crucial nutrient. Vitamin D plays a critical role in several bodily functions, including the health of our bones, regulation of the immune system, and fostering cell growth. A deficiency in vitamin D can result in various health complications such as weakened bones, higher susceptibility to fractures, compromised immune response, muscle weakness, fatigue, and potential associations with chronic diseases. It is imperative to maintain adequate vitamin D levels using appropriate sun exposure, consumption of foods rich in vitamin D, or even through supplementation methods to promote overall well-being and good health. Consulting with a professional can prove beneficial when determining suitable actions for addressing and enhancing low amounts of vitamin D.
  • Supplements That Help: We use a D3 with K. At 5000iu daily or higher based on blood levels
  • Lifestyle Factors: The best thing you can do is get outside in the Sun. Our bodies synthesize Vitamin D from the Sun. You can look for more diet information in our blog "Eat the Rainbow."

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