"Unveiling the Infradian Rhythm: Understanding Women's Unique Cycles and Training Needs"
Here is a coaching tool I use to guide female clients through their training and nutrition based on their cycles.
Women do** NOT** work the same as me; therefore, we as coaches cannot train women like small men… **NO! **
We have all heard of the 24-Hour Clock—the Circadian Rhythm, right? It’s the master timekeeper, composed of a cluster of around 20,000 neurons; this is found in the brain’s hypothalamus and keeps all of the internal suprachiasmatic nucleus processes in sync. This wakes us up and prepares us for bed at night + 1000s of other things.
The Second Clock
The “Second Clock” is the 28-Day Infradian Rhythm. As a woman, you’ll have a scend clock that starts a few months into puberty and will maintain until age 50.
The Infradian Rhythm
This infradian rhythm is linked to your monthly menstrual cycle, which includes four distinct phases; the follicular, ovulatory, luteal, and menstrual. Just as your circadian clock plays a role in your 24-hour bodily functions, your 28-day infradian clock influences your brain chemistry and physiology, providing you with different strengths and weaknesses at different times of the month.