"Seed Cycling: A Natural Approach for Balancing Female Hormones and Restoring Cycle Harmony"

In today's society, the environment is not conducive to balancing out female hormones; this is why we see so many issues with females, like PCOS and amenorrhea to name a few. There is a lot that goes into balancing out female hormones, but here is one nearly free and simple method that you can try (Note: there are no adverse side effects to men also following the same protocol)It's called SEED CYCLING, now when I say SEED, I am talking about the kind that we eat, so it's nothing too crazy, Specifically 4 different seeds::1.) Flax seeds2.) Pumpkin seeds3.) Sunflower seeds4.) Sesame seedsAll at about 1 tablespoon a day.During the first 14 days (follicular phase), you will use FLAX SEEDS (Only eat the powder) and PUMPKIN SEEDS. These seeds help to bind up estrogen and allow the body's estrogen not to become toxic forms of estrogen or allow it to get out of control (These seeds are great for men also as they help to remove excess estrogen and protect the prostate)The other two seeds are to use on days 15 to 28 (Luteal Phase). Are SUNFLOWER SEEDS and SESAME SEEDS. These seeds raise progesterone and help to keep estrogen at lower ranges. As you can in the image provided, the natural flow of progesterone should start raising within the luteal phase of the cycle for many women (experiencing ESTROGEN DOMINANCE). The adverse is seen when estrogen overpowers progesterone.You can do seed cycling if you have a regular Cycle or use seed cycling to rebalance a messed-up female cycle.- Board Certified Holistic Health Coach Hunter Covelski#Seedcycle #health #NormalizeFitness #fuctional


(Part 1 of 2) Eating Around The Female Cycle (Days 1-14)


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