Resetting insulin sensitivity (Part 2)
Part 2 Insulin sensitivity reset...
In the image, you can see a full day from the CGM Constant Glucose Monitor that I was using at the time (more to come on this data) but you can see how low my blood sugar stays during the whole day.
In this post, I will talk about the protocol I use to reset Insulin sensitivity, be sure to read part 1 if you have not.
The “silent killer” is high blood sugar, insulin levels, and type 2 diabetes.
Remember, even type 2 diabetes is reversible naturally, but it takes much longer than this re-set protocol.
It’s also a great idea to get a blood test for fasted insulin levels since there is a chance that your fasted blood glucose is fine because your body can pump out high levels of insulin to keep the glucose down for a period of time. Still, at some point, your body will be unable to handle the high blood sugar. Then blood glucose will shut up. You’ll be insensitive and fat gain is coming.
Here’s a quick broken-down example of what I’ve done and what I do with clients:
- Reduce your stress - High stress and high cortisol levels are huge factors in high glucose. When we're stressed, our bodies are in a fight or flight state; in this state, it pumps out extra glucose to give us energy.
- Lower your caffeine.
- Get more sleep.
- Use GDA’S (Glucose disposal agents).
- We prefer to use NuEthix GDA-MAX:
- We have this for sale in ore gyms, or you can go to and use code "HEALTHHUNT"
- Lower carbs at least in half. You can bring fats and protein to Etomidate calories.
- Create a calorie deficit. Note: you don’t always have to lower calories, but you want to be at maintenance or a slight deficit during this time.
- Add in a small amount of HIIT Training.
- Do higher reps with your training (20-30 reps_
- Keep tracking your blood glucose and make changes as needed.
- Have no cheat / high days!! It’s a short amount of time, don't mess it up.
For clients and myself, I implement this after every gaining phase, before starting contest preps or weight loss diets, when I want to push more weight gain but symptoms of high blood sugar start to come in when blood sugars are out of range for a general population client that wants to cut down body fat, and if I get labs that are high fasting blood sugar, A1c, or insulin.
It's much easier if you set yourself up on a diet with lower blood sugars and insulin levels to lose body fat.