Omega-3s are good for your heart and can help lower your blood pressure. You can get them from food or supplements. I recommend consuming at least 2 grams of omega-3s daily and choosing a fish oil higher in EPA than DHA.A recent study examined how much omega-3s you need to take to see a difference in your blood pressure. The study looked at 71 clinical trials with almost 5,000 participants from all around the world. The participants either had high blood pressure or a cholesterol disorder or did not have either condition. The study found that people who consumed 2-3 grams per day of combined DHA and EPA had reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure by an average of 2mm Hg. This is compared to adults who did not consume EPA and DHA.For people with high blood pressure or high blood lipids, consuming more than 3 grams of omega-3s per day may have even more blood pressure-lowering benefits. For those with hypertension, consuming 3 grams of omega-3s daily may help decrease systolic blood pressure by 4.5 mm Hg on average. And for those without hypertension, consuming 2-3 grams per day may reduce systolic blood pressure by an average of 2mm Hg.It's important to note that the study had some limitations, such as differences in how blood pressure was measured and the source of omega-3s (food or supplements). However, the study supports the FDA's guidance that EPA and DHA omega-3 may help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by lowering high blood pressure, particularly among those already diagnosed with hypertension.In conclusion, omega-3s are great for your heart and help lower your blood pressure. Consume at least 2 grams of omega-3s daily and choose a fish oil higher in EPA (you want 2/1 EPA/DHA). If you have high blood pressure or high blood lipids, consuming more than 3 grams daily may benefit you. Always consult with your healthcare provider before changing your diet or supplement regimen.


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