Have A Plan (becoming a "healthy thinker" trait #4)
"Fail to plan, plan to fail." We have all heard the quote. If you are serious about becoming a healthy thinker there is nothing more important than your plan.Over the years you have built habits. Some good, some bad. The only way you are going to change these habits, and become a forever healthy thinker, is by planning ahead. If you don't plan for tomorrow, and the next day. and the day after that, you will surely fall back to bad habits. If you get caught in a situation where you do not have a plan, it will be way to easy to fall back to your bad habits.Sunday evenings are a good time to plan for your week. Take a look at the schedule. When can you exercise? What are you going to eat? Do you have the proper foods in the house? What hurdles are you going to have to overcome? Do not let fate run your week.Each evening you should think about the next day. When are you going to eat? What are you going to eat? When are you going to exercise? What hurdles are you going to have to overcome?People seem to think if they wait long enough at some point time will free up so that they can eat right and make more time to exercise. That is what we call b.s.. It ain't gonna happen. You need to start now. You need to make a plan for your eating and your exercise.I can't think of anything positive that I have ever done that I didn't have a plan for, can you? Well there was kid #2, but that worked out great anyway. It takes work to become a healthy thinker. It takes planning. The longer you go following your daily and weekly plan, the more it will sink in and become a part of who you are. You will become a healthy thinker.