Green, Yellow, And Red Health Illustration
Green, Yellow, And Red Health Illustration
When reviewing client cases, I review their Metabolic Stress Questionnaire (MSQ), lab work, and history. Many people come to us in yellow or red (from my image). Here is an excellent example relating it to the gut since this is pivotal in our overall health and well-being.“All disease begins in the gut.” – Hippocrates (over 2500 years ago!) Functional gut diseases include irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and functional dyspepsia. In Western society, over one-third of the population has chronic gastrointestinal disorders, dominated by irritable bowel syndrome and functional dyspepsia. Over one-third of the U.S. population complaining of GI symptoms has a functional gastrointestinal disease! Over a hundred million people in the United States suffer from GI discomfort. These people are not “Bad” enough to warrant treatment, meaning their doctor will tell them they are normal or give them a drug like a proton pump inhibitor that will, at best, do nothing to affect the cause of disease or, at worst, they’ll suffer adverse effects from the treatment. We can work on this with diet, lifestyle, and natural supplements used for a short period of time to bring the body back into Equilibrium (AKA the Green in my image). Note: I say “dis-ease,” not “disease,” because it is just an imbalance of the body, or we can say that the body is “out of Equilibrium." We can assess for functional (the yellow) issues with easy at-home lab testing or find you a local blood draw office: I am pursuing my degree to become a Functional Medicine Doctor because I believe in this so much, and many dis-eases of the body can be prevented. If you would like to learn more about our functional Health services, please review our website: you for reading, -Coach Hunter