At-home Health Tool - Blood pressure monitor.
When Checking Your Blood Pressure, Here Are Some Things To Consider.
Ranges: Normal = less than 120 and less than 80.
An easy and cheap way to stay on top of your health status is by checking your blood pressure. I prefer to check at home. With an at-home monitor, you can check first thing in the morning and when/if you feel off during the day. "White coat hypertension" is a condition where a person's blood pressure readings are higher when taken at the doctor's office compared to other settings.
For wight gaining phases (for bodybuilding or powerlifting). It's essential to check your blood pressure regularly to ensure you're not reaching hypertension (high blood pressure).
For weight-cutting. Dieting, and extremely "healthy" eating (especially if you're not salting your food), Hypotension (Low blood presure is a concern. Hormonal problems, hypothyroidism, diabetes, or chronic low blood sugar can cause low blood pressure.
Blood pressure monitoring during pregnancy. Your obstetrician-gynecologist (ob-gyn) will likely check it each prenatal care visit. If there is a chance that you could harm your baby's life, wouldn't it be beneficial to have a blood pressure meter to additionally check in a setting within your own home that's available to you 24/7? The maternal and neonatal morbidities Lure associated with hypertension in pregnancy: are preeclampsia, A low birth weight, and rare, but there is a chance for maternal stroke or seizures.
How to take your blood presure at home
You can take your test first thing in the morning. I recommend doing between two and three tests to ensure accuracy, and you can average the score from all three.
Don't take your measurements over your clothes.
Proper posture. Ensure that you sit with your back straight and have back support, keep your feet flat on the floor, your arms supported on a flat surface (a table works), and never cross your feet.
Only do these things after taking your test. Don't smoke, drink caffeinated beverages, walk, exercise, or take a hot shower.
Make sure your cuff fits right. I had to get a bigger one recently.
The monitor I use:
OMRON Platinum Blood Pressure
Monitor. You can also get the Extra Large Blood Pressure Cuff if needed.